Thinking of joining WAGSTA Wellness to help your dog get back in shape? Hear what our happy members have to say about their WAGSTA dog weight management program!
"This is so much more than just a weight loss program! When I started the WAGSTA diet plan I had no idea how much or what I should be feeding my dog, she needed to lose a decent amount of weight but I didn’t know where to start. I learnt so much from WAGSTA about where Coco was getting her extra calories – like things she picked up on walks, dental sticks, sneaky family members, but I also learnt how to enrich my dogs life and teach her how to play. Thank you Charlotte and WAGSTA for changing Coco’s life, she’s a much happier dog now!"
Amy and Coco (3 year old Golden Retriever), Melbourne, Australia
“Just want to encourage anyone with a furry friend who is a bit pudgy, this program is excellent! My dog was quite overweight (I kept saying that it was all muscle!) but sadly it wasn’t. I realized with Charlotte’s help that True’s weight was a contributing factor to her occasional lameness in her back legs. Just too much weight! The fact that her legs were sore meant less exercise and so the problem just got worse, but with the guidance given with this program, she has lost 6 kilograms and is now a much happier and active girl. I highly recommend this program!"
Marilyn Gosney and True (8-year-old Blue Heeler/ Australian Cattle Dog)
“Excess weight is a significant causal factor in many of the orthopedic conditions I see as a surgical specialist. Maintaining your dog at a healthy weight is the best prevention against the onset of joint disease. I believe WAGSTAs diet programs provide an invaluable service for owners wanting to return their dog to a healthy weight. Dr Williamson’s passionate and supportive approach to dog weight management transforms lives for the better.”
Dr Richard Mitchell, BSc BVSc Cert Small Animal Surgery, DECVS
"My vets are amazed at Punkin’s weight loss. Thank you for your advice and help with our journey- Punkin is much more active and now our walks are farther in less time, more running and no rest stops. Very pleased with progress. Unbelievable- I now have an active and happy dog!"
Diane and Punkin (8 year old Shihtzu), Canada
Claire Hawkins and Harley. Queensland, Australia
”We rescued overweight 6-year-old Labrador, Summer who suffered from arthritis, over-heating and general poor health. For this reason, we chose WAGSTA to guide our family with a healthy weight loss regime.
WAGSTA uses techniques that are easy, educational and fun for the whole family. The most helpful advice for us was pet food nutritional contents (an eye-opener!), fun games and activity suggestions that keep your pup moving without leaving home, overcoming weight loss plateaus, snack ideas and the weight loss tracker to ensure that Summer lost weight at a healthy rate. We also really loved the fact that she never went hungry or seems deprived at all. No easy feat for a Labrador!
Summer lost 10.4 kg on the program is now a happy, healthy and active 7-year-old dog. Our whole family highly recommends the Wagsta weight plan.”
Leisa Hale and Summer (7-year-old Labrador) Gold Coast, Australia
"Galadriel has successfully lost the weight she needed to feel better and be healthier. She has more energy and loves playing many of the games suggested during the program. We now have a healthy routine for her that keeps her feeling good and doing well. I think the most helpful part of the program was the food recommendations. I just didn’t know exactly how much to feed my dog. I thought she would be able to monitor her own consumption, but it was not so. After I started the program and began to reduce her meal quantity while using a better-quality protein product, I discovered how much better it was for her.
The second-best part of the program was the exercise regimen. Although it wasn’t taxing, it was enough to help get her in shape. During this program Galadriel was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. It is quite severe but because we had already been walking every day, and getting her weight in check, she is already on the improve! Having achieved Galadriel’s healthy weight, I have continued the food regimen without fail. I have even implemented food amounts for my other dogs and have seen quick and positive results. Knowing my dogs are healthier and happier has kept me on track."
Vanessa and Galadriel (7 year old Weimaraner), Georgia, USA
“Delta has dropped from 68 to 56 lbs! She no longer has hip fat pads and now has a waist. She has also rediscovered that she can jump on the bed again! This program has been the one thing I’ve been able to put my hands on that has finally given me the incentive to manage Delta’s weight. I feel so much better at night knowing Delta is a healthy weight.”
Joan Howe and Delta. Wisconsin, USA
“In practice, many dedicated dog owners have found that weight management can be a challenging process. The professional and dedicated support from Dr Williamson through WAGSTA’s weight program provides a comprehensive, informed and genuinely caring guide for dog weight management.”
Dr Michelle Felten BVSC (Hons) BSc (Epidemiology)
‘My girl lost 5.7 kilograms and 26.7 cm over 12 weeks! This plan made it really easy to work out the correct meal size for Ebony. And receiving support and feedback from Dr Charlotte, a vet with first-hand experience in dieting her own dog, was really valuable! Thanks to this program both Ebony and I are now on the right track!”
Jenny Sheehan and Ebony (2-year-old Labrador) Victoria, Australia
“Having worked alongside Dr Charlotte Williamson for many years I can personally vouch for her expertise and professionalism. Charlotte’s positive and understanding approach to weight management is exemplified through WAGSTA. This modern-day approach to dog weight management provides owners with all the tools and support needed to safely and successfully diet their dogs. WAGSTAs diet programs are a boon for all owners serious about helping their dogs lose weight.”
Dr Stephen Butterton BSc (Hons), BVetMed, MRCVS
“Overall Gyp has lost about 13 pounds which is fabulous! We’ve had comments that Gyp does not even look like the same dog as he did before we put him on the diet. I really do not think we could have accomplished his weight loss without this program.
We had put Gyp on diet food before, but we were never very consistent about tracking extra treats, preventing him from licking the dishes in the dishwasher or staying with his diet after he lost the first few pounds. Because both my husband and I are very active and take our dogs on hikes and runs almost daily, we always thought he could burn off the extra weight through exercise – but after having done WAGSTAs weight plan we have learned that it is not the case. It is important to feed not only the correct proportions but the correct food and still make sure he gets daily exercise. I was very pleased with the program and I am very happy with the results.”
Sarah Oates and Gyp (6-year-old Australian Cattle Dog) Colorado, USA
“I would wholeheartedly recommend WAGSTA to anyone with a shall we say ‘ample’ over loved doggy. My Roxy is like a different dog since starting her weight plan, she has so much more energy, looks 5 years younger (she is a spritely 13 years young!) and moves so much easier. Roxy is losing her extra weight in a safe and managed manner. Dr. Charlotte, who is offering this assistance is a wonderfully friendly and helpful professional vet and I could not recommend her and this program any more highly. Thank you for this wonderful program and so much more time with my beautiful girl.”
Jan Polaris and Roxy, Cairns Australia
“Our Fur Baby, Saltie, has just successfully finished his doggy weight plan. Saltie was about 15% overweight which was contributing to Patella luxation (dislocated kneecap). Our options for treatment included surgery which would cost $2000 or weight loss. We obviously opted for the weight loss option. Through Dr Charlotte Williamson’s amazing and highly professional program – WAGSTA, Saltie is now back to his healthy weight and his lameness has disappeared. Thanks to this program we’ve identified and overcome some of our not-so-healthy feeding habits and we can confidently say Saltie is set up for long term weight loss success. I highly recommend WAGSTA Weight Plans if you have a fur baby that is carrying a bit of extra weight.”
Teresa Howard and Saltie (2-year-old King Charlies Cavalier X Spaniel)
“This program really works. Sophie looks and feels so much slimmer! We highly recommend the WAGSTA weight program to all dog lovers. We found this program highly informative with Charlotte available to us throughout the program providing plenty of helpful advice. We now understand about proper portion control and suitable foods to feed Sophie. And as a household we’ve also learnt to communicate better regarding Sophie’s feeding and treats. We have no hesitations in recommending this program to others.”
Trish and Peter Mowett with Sophie Margaret. QLD, Australia
“This course is very user friendly and I have recommended it my dog-loving family and friends. Thanks to this program I now understand how to count calories for my dog and I have cut back on my Charlie’s snacking. I found Dr Charlotte very approachable and her passion and knowledge about dog weight management reassuring.”
Sheryl McKenzie and Charlie (4-year-old Labrador Retriever), Melbourne, Australia
Witnessing Maxo’s amazing transformation (from lame and lethargic, to fit and fabulous) and the pure joy he revelled in as a healthy weight dog, has been the driving force to making the WAGSTA Wellness diet plan a reality.
We invite your dog to follow Maxo’s lead.
FREE Weight Check Learn More© WAGSTA 2025
WAGSTA recommends a veterinary health check for all dogs prior to participating in any diet or exercise plan. WAGSTA Wellness diet plan is not suitable for pregnant dogs and dogs less than 12 months of age (or 18 months if a giant breed).